04 January 2008

2008: A Goal Odyssey

Goals for 2008

As presented by Clayton Zylstra.

1. Continue looking for opportunities to exercise.

2. Consciously become less wasteful. That means eating the heels of a loaf of bread. That means recycling whenever possible. That means not making unnecessary trips in my car. That means not buying things unless I need them; unfortunately the definition of need will probably fluctuate throughout the year.

3. Become a better overall influence to everyone I come in contact with; physical contact or cyber contact. This goes along with being less wasteful; you know, not wasting opportunities and such. This means having others’ joys, concerns, well-beings before my own, always. This means when I can help someone, I help them. This means when someone doesn’t want my help, I don’t force my help on them. This means if someone doesn’t want to see me anymore, I don’t see them. This means if someone wants to see me more, I see them. This means if someone wants to talk about things I don’t want to hear about, I listen.

4. Climb Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Adams before I leave with Operation Mobilization.

5. Spend an entire month where I buy 0 food. I’d like to see how well I eat without spending money. Hopefully I don’t die.

6. Not die. (I can’t make any guarantees.)

7. Sport a beard of length less than a half an inch and of length 3 inches all in the same month.

8. I won’t have a girlfriend for at least 2 years; I’d like to be satisfied with that fact.

9. Find a deodorant that actually works on me. Not that I smell, but I sweat.

10. Thank a little person.

I shall see how well I met these in 12 months.


Anonymous said...

Actually, spending 0 on food isn't too hard, if you know which dumpsters to look behind. Some good ones:

-Essential Baking Co. (but you probably knew that)

-Trader Joe's (Go after they're closed)

-Noah's Bagels

-Any grocery store where they have unlocked dumpsters out back, and that aren't 24-hour establishments.

Anonymous said...

Clay --

One word of advice from a well-wisher. Find a girlfriend who likes to travel and likes to argue :-)