28 December 2007

How the Clay fared in 2007 (Or a list of goals followed by slightly unhumorous, witty remarks.)

Last year about this time I made a post on the myspace that made known my goals for the upcoming year. I suppose you’re curious how those went, no? Well, if you are read on; I’ll fill you in! Here’s the original post:

I have a few goals for this year that I'd like to make public.
1. Cliché:
exercise. (Anyone want to play soccer?)
2. Write a joke that's actually
funny. (I can write the non-funny variety very well now.)
3. Put said
joke into an act or a sitcom or a movie or a combination of all three.
4. Buy
a suit or two.
5. Climb a mountain I haven't climbed before. (That
shouldn't be too hard.)
6. Gain weight and then lose it only to gain it back
7. Shave either less than 6 times or more than 12.
8. Come up with
2 more goals so that I have 10 for the year.
9. Put off said goal to pursue
other passions such as watching television shows I've already seen 3
10. Pet a lion. (This one might be a little difficult.)

So, here’s how I did.

1. Cliché: exercise. (Anyone want to play soccer?)
Well, I played soccer this year more than I did the previous year. Mostly in the summer though. We played every Tuesday with the youth group the entire summer. I was surprised, not only were we able to play soccer and people not complain, but that we were able to play it every week and no one complained. At the end of the summer you could actually see improvement in kids in how they played.

I also played soccer for the company I work for’s team. The first couple of weeks was great because I got to play in the field, but about 3 weeks in we didn’t have a goalie; so, guess who played. Me. The first week sucked; I let by, I think, 7 goals. But by the second half of that game I was getting the hang of it again. Then, it got a little more enjoyable. I was able to make some pretty spectacular saves if you ask me and I even stopped 2 penalty kicks.

I’ve also recently taken up running every now and again. It’s only a mile or so every other day, but it’s something to help keep in shape. Also, I played a lot of NBA Street Vol. 3 on the PS2. That should count for something besides just being a nerd.

2. Write a joke that’s actually funny. (I can write the non-funny variety very well now.)
So, this one was banking on the idea that I would give open mic night at the Comedy Underground another go sometime this year. I never did. Thus, I never really wrote any jokes. Well, that may not be entirely true.

I came up with a popsicle stick joke one day before youth group on a Tuesday night and proceeded, during a point of transition from game to worship, to tell said joke in a sort of a shy, introverted caricature. It went off okay; I think it was the caricature more than the joke, but a laugh’s a laugh.

3. Put said joke into an act or a sitcom or a movie or a combination of all three.
Obviously, since I didn’t really write anything, I didn’t put in into anything. So, stamp a failure on this one.

4. Buy a suit or two.
The idea here was to possibly own a suit for the first time in my life. I’ve graduated from college, I work in an office, it’s time I learn how to tie a tie. I never did. I just continued to spend my money on cheap thrift store polos and button down shirts and I never forked anything out for a tie. But honestly, I have my diploma and I still have my job, so what do I need a tie for anyway?

5. Climb a mountain I haven't climbed before. (That shouldn't be too hard.)
The goal here was to climb Mt. Adams with out actually explicitly saying I’d like to climb Mt. Adams. Sort of put out there that I’d like to climb a mountain that I haven’t climbed before and hope it was Adams, but if it wasn’t, I could climb another one and still say I met my goal. I proceeded to climb 0 mountains this year. I did, however, hike in places I’ve never hiked before.

I hiked the Redwood coast in California which was fun. It was there I hiked in the dark by headlamp for the first time. I bought a headlamp the week before I left. Good thing. It was also the first time I’ve hiked next to an ocean. That hike was full of firsts. I wanted to try and hike bare foot there for a while, but that didn’t happen.

I also backpacked on the eastern side of the Cascades for the first time this past summer. It was the first time I had to deal with mosquitoes in a serious manner on a backpacking trip. It was the first time I hiked with people I had never really met until we started the hike. (Seriously, I had met one person in the party 3 times before, two others once before, another the day of the hike, and another was my pediatrician when I was a kid. So, I had met him, but I didn’t really know him.)

So, lots of first in hiking, but no new mountains.

6. Gain weight and then lose it only to gain it back again.
I’ve actually gained close to 30-40 pounds this year. This is someone who gained about 30 pounds all through high school, but some how managed to grow 5 inches. I’m pretty sure that 30-40 pounds has fluctuated over the year. So, it’s safe to say I gained weight, then lost it, and then gained it back again. Way to go me!

7. Shave either less than 6 times or more than 12.
This one was a popular one. People asked me continually through out the year how I was progressing on this goal. Well, I have the results. I started the 2007 with a full beard and I am ending 2007 with a full beard. I shaved the beard off completely only once. I trimmed the beard a mere 4 times. So, if you include trimming in the category of shaving, I shaved a total of 5 times. If you look closely, you notice that 5 is less than 6 and therefore, I completed this goal with vengeance. On a side note, I only cut my hair 3 times this year as well. Just FYI.

8. Come up with 2 more goals so that I have 10 for the year.
If you read carefully, you’ll see that I completed this goal in the original post. How clever am I?

9. Put off said goal to pursue other passions such as watching television shows I've already seen 3 times.
I can say that I am the proud owner of all 9 seasons of Seinfeld and I am also proud owner of 7 seasons of The Simpsons. Needless to say, I’ve seen a lot of episodes of television shows I’ve already seen. When it comes to wasting time, I know how to do it in style. Did I also mention I spent a fair amount of time playing NBA Street Vol. 3 for the PS2? Also, a successful waste of time.

10. Pet a lion. (This one might be a little difficult.)
I don’t think I need to mention what happened in San Francisco on Christmas Day, do I? It’s a good thing I didn’t fulfill this goal. It could have proven deadly. On the plus side though, I did get Planet Earth for Christmas and there are lots of pretty lions on that program. I can at least watch them in fantastic sub-HD quality.

That’s how I fared in the year 2007. Here’s hoping your year was a success and that 2008 finds you well as well. Next post will be my goals for 2008 which shall prove more difficult and potentially more fantastic. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Ricky said...

Lions! Yeah, things are going great since I've started playing my tiger noises on the radio.